Nonprofit Work

“The single greatest point of untapped leverage in the world today is a woman who could be an entrepreneur.” – Carly Fiorina


The One Woman Initiative

In 2008, in partnership with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Carly founded the One Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 9.30.32 PMWoman Initiative to engage women in countries like Pakistan, Egypt, India, and the Philippines to transform the lives of women economically, societally and politically. Carly and Secretary Rice understood that by giving economic empowerment to women, they were laying the foundation for freedom from fear and providing communities the possibility of economic success for generations to come.

By empowering women with information, training, micro lending, technology and the advocacy of their basic rights, the One Woman Initiative helped to transform not just the women they served, but those women’s families and the families around them.

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“It takes only one woman to make a difference.”
– Secretary Condoleezza Rice

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